Get Involved

Annual enrollment begins every February, but we tend to have plots open up during the calendar year.  We keep a waiting list and reach out to those on the waiting list when these plots become available.

Each plot is 4×16 and allows you access to all shared tools in the shed, soil, and all garden events. Upon registration you will receive a garden packet which you can download, and is full of information created by your garden officers and the local Extension Office, who brings their master gardeners to the garden often to help coach our new gardeners. You must use organic gardening practices, keep your plot well maintained (free of disease and weeds to the best of your ability) participate in our garden workdays and attend meetings whenever possible. We have a lot of fun at the garden and we want to see you there often, and that is where you will learn the most. We are about building community and that means participation in events and helping with the maintenance of the garden beyond just your plot.

When you have decided you want a plot, email us at to get set up. We will respond to you within 24 hours.

plot numbers website